martes, 15 de diciembre de 2015

Desarrollo web siguiendo la lógica perfecta.

Desarrollo y diseño web lógicos, para un posicionamiento óptimo en internet.  By GOA

     Como ya sabréis los seguidores del 'blog' de Ekarri el tema más actual en este 'blog' consiste en la obtención de un diseño óptimo de página web. Producto de un desarrollo web previamente definido.

     Es más que evidentemente que cada página web es diferente. Por ese motivo, debemos encontrar la lógica perfecta para cada página web. Además de seguir un orden en el contenido de nuestra web, definir un aspecto afín con nuestro entorno social e incluir un contenido original en nuestro dominio de internet. También, debemos analizar todos los aspectos propios de nuestra página web.
Ya que estos aspectos, además de matizar cada página de internet, nos proporcionarán las claves para encontrar la lógica perfecta para nuestro sitio web.

     Por ejemplo, para un desarrollo web en Vitoria - Gasteiz,  a la hora de diseñar nuestra página web deberíamos dedicar nuestros primeros impulsos a conocer, a nuestros clientes potenciales y a nuestros competidores potenciales. Así, teniendo en cuenta a nuestros clientes potenciales podremos definir por un lado; nuestro aspecto e imagen, contenido afín o de interés para nuestros clientes y además definiremos, como realizar un marketing dirigido a ellos. Por otro lado, conoceremos a cerca de la competencia ejercida por nuestros competidores más directos en la red global de internet. Por eso, podremos realizar nuestra página web, cuidando los aspectos técnicos, con el objetivo de competir con ellos, optimizando nuestra web en aspectos más concretos y de una forma más directa.

desarollo web vitoria enlace al artículo original. Como se a mencionado ya en otros artículos, es de entender, que una página web deberá dar una gran importancia a su diseño. En él, se debería reflejar, la personalidad de cada entidad que forma parte de ese proyecto.  

lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2015

Web Development with personality

Web development in Vitoria – Gasteiz of internet pages with a personal presctive.

The Ekarri – Marketing Vitoria offers a service of web development in Vitoria – Gasteiz with a personality and own carácter. We develop our web pages taking into consideration an analysis of the commercial locally situation. We offer web development in Vitoria – Gasteiz for the creation of web pages in the internet so would make a difference about other web pages of the internet from a concrete locality that would be found in the 'world wide web' or the internet. This will be possible because a digital marketing strategy. Concretely, due to a strategy for the positioning of the new internet page taking into account a factor sequence product of a precise analysis. These factors, will offer as an end product a personalized design for a web page into our local society. Explaining it briefly, the end product will be consist in adding many dynamic and personalized content with the purpose to get a better - positioning in comparison to the other local competitors that would be using the world wide web. If we provide our identity to the web page that we want to build is a way to have an improve advantage over our competitors. So, the part of the web development that correspond to the design and to the appearance, must be cared. Clearly, our customers will feel more identify with us, on this way.So, we will create an affinity link on an unconscious way. Also in an unknown way many local residents will be become in potential customers.A web page with these characterize is a perfect way to begin a digital marketing campaign in the internet social networks, with the goal of reaching the local users.So, to carry it out, we only need the usage of a part of the content previously personalized for our web. This content will be used on any todays multitudinous social network (Facebook, twitter, or network of multimedia contents like YouTube, etc.) Also in a complementary way, it will be recommendable to include a page inside of the same social network of the internet. In resolution of a work of web development in Vitoria – Gasteiz with these characterize, we will get a web design for a page destined to a global network with a personality purely from Vitoria. web development vitoria original article web page. by Ekarri int. [caption width="300" align="aligncenter"]Web development in Vitoria with personality Web development in Vitoria with personality.[/caption]

Web development for the creation of a web page

    Web development in Vitoria - Gasteiz for the creation of new web pages.

We offer services for developing web pages in the Ekarri company. The web developing service will be worked in cooperation with the Digital Ekarri group company and concretely, with a computer solutions company called as Goaltech (, so they would complete the maintenance service too. The web development is composed basically in two parts: First, the part of computerizing or codifying, what is worked using the most recent version of HTML because the new version is better accepted as normally by the internet ' spiders ' or ' explorers '. Also are used, other languages for computerizing such as ' PHP 'or ' JavaScript '. Such as Second part , the Design; what is a hardworking exercise because it needs much time for realizing the design part of a web development, for a page in the internet. This part will start deciding the structure of a graphic project, after, it will be detailed every element or object of the mentioned project. Also, for defining all of the objects of the new web page are used tools or computer programs for the graphic design such as ' Photoshop ', ' Fireworks ' or ' Gimp '. In the Ekarri company ( in Vitoria ), we could develop new web pages in the way as our customers need. We could create the web page using a HTML new code for a new total page, so totally agree with the needs of our customers. In spite of that, we could start up a new project of a web page using templates built in HTML code. That code is generated by special modules which are created in PHP language of computer programming. Those, are known as 'Smarty' templates. The usage of ' Smarty ' templates gives us many ease when we have to manage or make changes of content in our web page. So, at the time to manage our web page content we have a better and more dynamic system. Because in a web page built with a ' Smarty ' template if we changed any picture or text content that we have uploaded to the internet server, we could change it very easily thanks to a management module that is included in, for its perfect administration. This module has a graphical environment so directly and in 'on-line' way ease that changes or modifications immediately. Also, this kind of templates included the possibility to add many other different smart modules, what offers many functionalities, such for example a module to use as a shopping cart, or ' payment walkway ' for credit cards. Clearly, using ' Smarty ' templates accelerates the developing process of the web page or internet page, so the final cost of the product will be cheaper. It seems concretely an improve the usage of the ' Smarty ' templates, but somebody still prefer a more personal web development for their own web page. The reason is, so in that way, I mean, without the usage of ' Smarty ' templates, we haven't any dependency problems with an external development team which promises us updates for the ' Smarty ' modules and templates. But at many times, the promised updates are late and many other times, those modules are left to develop for ever. In the Ekarri company, we promise to adapt to our clients needs for their own web page development. In the design part as much as the codify part, we offer versatility for the taste of our customers. Contact us for more information and don't be worried about it, you could mail us to or call to the customer attention number. web development vitoria original article web page link. [caption id="attachment_265" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Web development with Gimp in Vitoria Web development with Gimp in the Ekarri company from Vitoria[/caption]

Marketing Vitoria , for the countryside.

EKARRI - Marketing in Vitoria for business of Álava and each other adjacent provinces

the Ekarri - Ekarri marketing Vitoria is enterprise dedicated to improve the small and middle business in the province of Alava, Basque Country and each other adjacent province. We offer marketing services in Vitoria, also we offer other services for the business optimization of the total rural area. of Alava. We are dedicated to doing marketing with the purpose to impulse small and middle business of any character and we create new projects for new business and ' freelance business '. First, we offer a marketing strategy directed to the presence in the public network of internet and internet social networks. Then, we suggest for other commercial marketing strategy considering the difference of each customer. This strategy will be for complement our offered business projects for the contracting business as customers of the Ekarri – Ekarri marketing Vitoria. As a commentary and example we offer professional services associated with technology, delivery, design and advertisement.....

Importance and profits, because a well done marketing

It has been demonstrated the importance of a strategy of marketing in the direction of a business. The competitiveness of a business is increased when it is settled and it gains appreciation in the daily market. It's a matter of time that the business with a good marketing strategy getting the target of increasing the number of customers. That's the way for profit the necessary impulse inside of an overwhelmed market by the competence, so, we get the business consolidation. In recent years, an unstoppable increase of a domestic or social usage of the internet, was reflected in the reports of the statistics national institute. So, as a result of it, the marketing orientation towards the public internet network and internet social networks is presently a successful investment, while it is carrying out correctly and without leaving the maintenance of that investment. Therefore, the Ekarri – Ekarri marketing Vitoria knows that the marketing work could be a big effort for a small business, so, it could be an impossible additional activity to carry out independently at many times. So that's why , We, the members of the Ekarri are ready to carry out that work instead of you, thus you could be dedicated exclusively to your business. Also we offer to you a budget only for the services that you need because we know about its high cost in the real market. So, we don't want to add any unnecessary cost to your project. We have experience in marketing and direction of different business of Vitoria and the province of Alava. They are very different business in a comparative analysis, and all of them got a great impulse because a strategy of digital marketing that it after was complemented with another more common commercial marketing strategy. marketing vitoria